Supporting Files
1. Handout-Public a handout for the Press, and for the general public
2. Press Conference Speech 8-11-23
3. Set 1 Final.pdf
Set 2 Final.pdf
Set 3 Final.pdf
These are the original replies to the Oklahoma Open Records request
4. Social Listening with Jones PR invoices.pdf
The compilation of Sets 1, 2, and 3 from which the report was written
5. The original Oklahoma Open Records Request
6. Letter from Jones PR attorney Christopher M. Scaperlanda, attorney with McAfee & Taft,
threatening Dave Moore and Randy Carter with a SLAPP lawsuit.
For information on SLAPP lawsuits, visit
7. Reply by Dave Moore and Randy Carter to Jones PR attorney Christopher Scaperlanda, outlining
complaints against Jones PR and the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority